De-pattern the Pattern

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Anxious times… Christianized America constantly tempting us to view everything in terms of apocalypse. Which is both the right and wrong approach.

Wrong in the sense that our definition of apocalypse has always been “the world blowing up as God said it was going to in the Bible.”

Right in the true sense of what apocalypse means: unveiling.

What is it unveiling? The patterns that empires usually take, namely, nationalistic, my god is bigger than your god, scapegoating patterns.

  • The Book of Revelation is not a prediction about specific dates and times; it’s a highly imaginative code, almost political-cartoon-like, to help us see the pattern.

  • The Book of Revelation is not about the end of the world; it’s about the end of an empire.

Don’t let the religious people scare you into thinking that the world has to blow up or that God is angry. The only thing that does is lead people to justify their angry actions in blowing the world up in the name of their angry god.

The future isn’t determined.
It’s open.
Disarm your social media.
Refuse religious binary distinctions.

If we live this way, truly, it will be an unveiling… a “de-patterning” of all our old patterns. Ironically, more Biblical than what all the Biblicists have been telling us.

This is a great time to be alive.

Jonathan Foster

Exegeting culture from a Mimetic Theory and Open/Relational Theological Lens

Podcast Season #4


Faith (and Advanced Reader Copies)