What’s Next Step?
People ask me sometimes, “So, what’s the next step? How do I know what to do next in life?”
First, it should be noted that I’m asking that question as well.
Second, I usually respond by saying something about having responses, not answers. And my responses normally wind up being something about…
uncontrolling love,
that there is usually more than one right next step to make (as opposed to the oft-parroted ideas around God pre-ordaining certain doors to open and close to get us into that one right spot),
that the future is undetermined,
that life constantly changes,
that God is with us in all the indeterminacy,
and that, thankfully, this whole thing really isn't about a quantifiable morality, rather a qualitative beauty (e.g, love.)
So, there you go. Now you know what the next step is.