

Share the news, but do so carefully. It appears lowercase is more effective than all-caps; whispering better than shouting; twilight more appropriate than noon-day sun.

God's not impervious to suffering. He doesn't fix, insulate, cocoon, or otherwise provide safe-living. "The kingdom," as Caputo said, "is amazing grace, not amazing magic."

Covid-19, or any other work of anti-life, was not created by God specifically, sent here by God, something God wills, or for that matter, even something God controls.

God "being in control" is not so much about power but beauty, joy, and goodness, the rhythm of which was introduced in the "It is good" of creation. Over and over again, six times, then the seventh, the Hebrew poem tells us that God said, "It is good," then, "It is very good."

Salvation belongs to those who orchestrate their lives within the rhythm. Ha, we have no idea how it's going to turn out except... that we know Love is with us. And if Love is with us, who can be against us?

Jonathan Foster

Exegeting culture from a Mimetic Theory and Open/Relational Theological Lens


Us Caucasians and Our Judgments


Prisoner of Hope: Covid-19 Part III