God in Partnership with Us (in our Sexual Partnerships)

Hey, this is fun. The Partnering with God book containing a chapter I wrote is available for pre-order and it’s already #1 in the Process Christian Theology on amazon. My contribution is a chapter called God in Partnership with Us (in our Sexual Partnerships) because, no, I can’t just have a short title, apparently. Thanks to Tom Oord (Tim Reddish, Bonnie Rambob, and Fran Stedman) for inviting me to participate.

I’m delighted I got to write this, if for other reason than it forced me to think through some things before I committed them to paper regarding a personal God and something so personal as our sexuality. In some ways, this chapter is very much in the same vein as my book, “Questions About Sexuality that Got Me Uninvited from my Denomination.” If I had written this current chapter 3 years ago, I would have definitely included it. However, I didn’t really have the language 3 years ago. But, thankfully, I do today. Interesting how that works, huh?

Anyhow, the “Questions…” book helped me become an amazon-best-seller (okay, that sounds cooler than it actually is), and I hope this little chapter will help readers process what it might mean that God doesn’t have a hard and fast, set in stone, binary design. In fact, a God that’s flexible is a much stronger, more interesting, loving God. Something I think our world is in desperate need of. I hope you find it helpful.


PS - Oh, and if you aren’t already supporting something else, when you purchase stuff from amazon, you might as well use smile.amazon.com. That will allow you to plug in our non-profit, LQVE.org, so that they’ll receive a small portion of each purchase, which in light of the most recent earthquake in Haiti, will definitely be used! Thank you.

Jonathan Foster

Exegeting culture from a Mimetic Theory and Open/Relational Theological Lens


Journey into Somewhere New Episode


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